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Nightclub terms

Referring to any establishment open for evening entertainment, usually until the early hours of the morning, that sells acohol, offers music and dancing, and restricts entry to adults.

Contributors in Nightclub terms

Nightclub terms


Bars & nightclubs; Nightclub terms

Bouncers on omamoodi turvatöötaja batoonide või muu hulgas ööklubides, kes esitab tagatise, kontrollivad vanusepiiri ja sisenemiskeelu sõltuvalt erinevate kriteeriumide (alkoholijoove, agressiivne ...


Bars & nightclubs; Nightclub terms

Tehtud teatud sektori töötajaid ja lisaks tehingu reklaamitud hinnaga vabatahtliku eest makse.


Bars & nightclubs; Nightclub terms

A place of business where people gather to drink alcoholic beverages and, more than likely, also be served food. An inn is a tavern which has a license to put up guests.


Bars & nightclubs; Nightclub terms

A person that serves beverages behind a bar in a bar, pub, tavern, or similar establishment. This typically includes alcoholic beverages of some kind, such as beer, wine and cocktails, as well as ...


Bars & nightclubs; Nightclub terms

Ühine mõiste on saadaval ja populaarsemaks alates hommikul varahommikul hilisõhtust meelelahutust. See hõlmab ning rahva maja, ööklubid, diskoteegid, baarid, elav muusika, kontsert, kabaree, väikesed ...


Bars & nightclubs; Nightclub terms

This is a single page leaflet advertising a nightclub, event, service, or other activity. Flyers are typically used by individuals or businesses to promote their products or services. They are a form ...

disko pall

Bars & nightclubs; Nightclub terms

Ligikaudu ümmarguse objekti, mis peegeldab valgust suunatud paljudes suundades, toodavad keeruka kuvarita. Selle pind koosneb sadu või tuhandeid tahku, peaaegu kõik umbes sama kuju ja suurusega ning ...

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