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Social network; Social marketing

An extreme feeling of frustration/being fed up, with the abundance of poorly wrought memes which are posted to social ...


Language; Internet memes

Thanks to the clever journalist who coined 'Brangelina' many years ago, the world has developed an insatiable thirst for more ...


Sociology; People

Referred to a person who is perfectly at ease with social networks of any kind; he/she understands how social media work, in ...

ally espionage

Politics; International politics

This term refers to the event on spying of the United States on its ally.

bare reading

Education; Special education

The practice of reading while in the nude. Practioners believe that bare reading allows the mind to be free of the unnecessary ...


Financial services; Financial instruments

A passive investment strategy, which automatically creates a hedge that helps limit losses without constant supervision. This ...


Zoology; Zoological terms

A dog species that is a mix between a rottweiler and a labrador retriever.


Language; Language learning

In Zimbabwe this term is used to call someone or something or a situation stupid, lame, not so smart. usage "That was a ...


Art history; Visual arts

Draw/Drawing+Awesome= Drawsome. Definition: a really good drawing or other piece of art (particularly of the sketching or ...


Language; General language

Exceedingly large of its kind, huge, enormous. It initially started by my mistakenly saying trigantic instead of gigantic, and I ...


Language; Slang

This term is used as a slang word to "mistake" for example : If you make another boo-boo like that, you won't have a job , that ...


Internet; Social media

"Human fidelity": a system of connecting to people around you in public places when the internet is not accessible by wi-fi ...

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