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Natural gas
Natural gas is a naturally occurring hydrocarbon gas mixture consisting primarily of methane, with up to 20 % of other hydrocarbons as well as impurities in varying amounts such as carbon dioxide. Natural gas is widely used as an important energy source in many applications including heating buildings, generating electricity, providing heat and power to industry, as fuel for vehicles and as a chemical feedstock in the manufacture of products such as plastics and other commercially important organic chemicals.
Industry: Energy
Uue termini lisamineContributors in Natural gas
Natural gas
MTBE (metüültertsiaarbutüüleetri)
Energy; Coal
Eeter mõeldud bensiini segamine kirjeldatud "Oxygenates."
Energy; Natural gas
Viitab ka logimise electric. See on saadud prantsuse teadlane, kes arenesid hästi metsaraie nimi.
Käivita jõe hüdroelektrijaamade taim
Energy; Coal
Low-head taime kasutades oja voolu ilmnemisel ja millel on vähe või üldse mitte mahuti mahu ladustamiseks.