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General chemistry

Contributors in General chemistry

General chemistry

molaarne soojusmahtuvus

Chemistry; General chemistry

The heat required to raise the temperature of one mole of a substance by 1°C is called the molar heat capacity of the substance. Molar heat capacity is an intensive property with SI system units of ...


Chemistry; General chemistry

Reaktsioon kui aine kaotab elektronid, nn oksüdeerumist


Chemistry; General chemistry

Reaktsioon, mis on seotud elektronid, elektronid kasum ja kahjum elektronid.


Chemistry; General chemistry

Kuna naatriumhüdroksiidi (OH) rühmad on tolliametnike kontrolli Kesk atom.


Chemistry; General chemistry

vanem isotoop- või vanemliku isotoop on tuuma lagunemine või hävitamine


Chemistry; General chemistry

The pressure exerted by a certain gas in a mixture.


Chemistry; General chemistry

Väike osa asja, tegelikult on msallest üks molekul pärast. Molekulis jaotatakse osakesi.

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