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General nature or nature terms.

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Literature; General

Ikoon (ehk sarnaseks ja väljanägemine) on märk, mis tähistab objekti kvaliteeti, mis jagavad neid, kuid mille ikoon on sõltumata objekti alusel. Ikoon (näiteks portree või diagrammi) sarnaneb või ...


Literature; General

Indeks on märk, mis tähistab objekti alusel konkreetne seos nende, mida ta nõuab ka soodustuste sõltumata tõlgendus oleks reaalne seos. Igal juhul on seos, mis on tegelikult erinevalt ainult maapinda ...


Literature; General

Sümbol on märk, mis tähistab objekti ainult tänu asjaolule, et seda tõlgendatakse seda teha. Tunnus seisneb füüsilise või tavapäraste või loogiline reegel, norm või harjumus, harjumus, et puudub (või ...


Literature; General

An argument (also called suadisign and delome) is a sign that represents its object in respect of law or habit and so, in its signified interpretant, is represented as symbolic (and was indeed a ...


Literature; General

Metaphor is the concept of understanding one thing in terms of another. A metaphor is a figure of speech that constructs an analogy between two things or ideas; the analogy is conveyed by the use of ...


Literature; General

Metonymy is a figure of speech used in rhetoric in which a thing or concept is not called by its own name, but by the name of something intimately associated with that thing or concept. For instance, ...


Literature; General

Synecdoche; from Greek synekdoche (συνεκδοχή), meaning "simultaneous understanding") is a figure of speech in which a term is used in one of the following ways: Part of something is used to refer to ...

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