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Behavior analysis
Behavior analysis is an approach to psychology that concerns itself primarily with observing, analysing and attempting to understand and predict the way humans behave and interact.
Industry: Psychology
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Behavior analysis
Psychology; Behavior analysis
A class of research designs used primarily in applied behavior analysis. See also multiple baseline across behaviors, multiple baseline across stimulus conditions, and multiple baseline across ...
tulemuse salvestamine
Psychology; Behavior analysis
A a method of observation in which a response occurrence is recorded if the result of a behavioral episode is observed.
Psychology; Behavior analysis
1) Kui mitu sõiduplaanide tugevdamine on olemas üheaegselt, üks alternatiiv võib valida sagedamini kui teised. Sel juhul nimetatakse seda eelistust alternatiivne tarneallikas tugevdamine. 2) Üks ...
Psychology; Behavior analysis
1) The term magazine refers to a mechanical device containing a supply of food which can be delivered in small portions to the organism. 2) A mechanical device which makes food, water, etc., ...
reeglite kontroll
Psychology; Behavior analysis
1) Reegli avaldus juhib kirjeldatud sellest reeglist vastus. 2) Hakata otsima reegli kontroll, kui on reinforcer järgib vastust rohkem kui 60 sekundit.
Psychology; Behavior analysis
1) The recurrence of the rate of a response that had been reduced when aversive stimuli no longer are present or delivered contingent on the response. 2) Return to an earlier level of responding ...
Psychology; Behavior analysis
1) The process of building an operant by reinforcing only those responses that are closest to it. When the operant we want is a response to a certain kind of stimulus (such as answers to a question ...
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