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The study of societies and how they are shaped by people. It also concerns itself with how society affects the behavior of the individuals that are part of them.
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flexor hallucis brevis
Anatomy; Muscular
See tekib, teravaotsalisi tendinous protsessi, medial osast ning cuboid kondiga pinna all.
lumbrical lihas
Anatomy; Muscular
Neid nelja väikese skeletilihaseid, tarvik kõõlustest ning flexor digitorum longus.
flexor digitorum brevis
Anatomy; Muscular
See asub suu vahetult kõrgemale plantar aponeurosis, see on kindlalt ühendatud keskosa ainus keskel.
extensor hallucis brevis
Anatomy; Muscular
Suu, mis aitab laiendada big naftaekvivalent ülaosas lihasesse.
peroneus brevis
Anatomy; Muscular
Seisneb peroneus longus alusel, ning see on lühem ja väiksemate lihas.